Ep.29/ the path to wholeness with tatjana lucia and megan cooper


What do we mean by the path to wholeness?



This week on the podcast we explore the theme of WHOLENESS with my friend and co-facilitator of the Path to Wholeness Retreat, Tatjana Lucia. On 7th September, Tatjana and I will be taking 10 women on a transformational 4 day journey at Meadowsweet in Tuscany, Italy. In this podcast we discuss what influenced and inspired us to co-create this experience and the approach we take within our work.

The word “health” comes from the Old English word ‘hælth' relating to ‘whole’ or ‘a thing that is complete in itself’. Essentially to become healthy is “to make whole.” Our triggers, our traumas, our insecurities, our shames are all aspects of ourselves we reject or push away. Healing happens when we invite back in all parts of us which have been hidden, repressed, forgotten or made wrong. Through reclaiming, we reconnect to a new sense of our innate worth and power.

Tatjana and I share a trauma-informed mind-body-soul approach to healing. Tatjana is a Hypnotherapist and expert in what she calls 'Self Health', reconnecting back to your authenticity and essence. Combined with my transformational approach via EFT, holistic coaching and various healing modalities, we will be taking you on a journey of Self, sisterhood, ancestry and collective through the mind, body and nervous system.


In this episode:
- what is "wholeness" and an approach to underpin health and healing
- the reconnection to Self and what that means
- the reconnection to Sisterhood, how wounding shows up and what is possible the other side
- healing our ancestral and collective trauma to bring us into deeper connection
- the healing power of retreat and group spaces
- what to expect on retreat with us and how to know if this co-creation is right for you

If you are interested to take the ONE FINAL SPOT for this retreat, you can find all the information at https://www.tatjana-lucia.com/path-to-wholeness-retreat

If you'd love to join us in the future but can't on this occasion you can get your name down on the waitlist for 2024.


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