Ep.22/ Perfect Your Period with Sophia Tremenheere


What is at the root of homronal disregulation? How can we shift our lifestyles to better support our hormones and cycles? How can our bodies guide us to deeper wellbeing and alignment?



Today I’m speaking to Sophia Tremenheere @sotremendous. Sophia is a Period & Women’s Coach, supporting women and people who bleed to experience happier, healthier periods and to unlock their power, potential and productivity by aligning their lives in a way that supports their bodies and cycles. She blends integrative nutrition, science, spirituality and energy work to support clients globally and has shared her wisdom as a TEDx Speaker.

Sophia's signature 90 day group program Perfect Your Period starts next month for those ready to take the next step in their hormone journey: https://www.sotremendous.com/perfect-your-period


In this episode:
- how the body usually works for us rather than against us and our symptoms are clever ways the body is communicating its needs or that something is imbalanced, giving us the opportunity to develop our body literacy to read and know the signs
- treating the root rather than managing symptoms if we want to see big results
- finding and living in alignment for the sake of our hormones
- the difference between ‘common’ and ‘normal’ & how society has normalised a lot of ‘abnormal’ things
- understanding our cycle AS a cycle and navigating modern lifestyle to support the natural flow of our body
- the impact of stress on our mental and emotional landscape and hormones
- misunderstandings around diet and nutrition, reconnecting with food and making the right choices for our body
- educating ourselves around hormonal contraception to make empowered choices
- what we can expect if we decide to take a deep dive into doing this work to balance our bodies

“The symptoms are a really intelligent way of your body telling you that something is not quite right. Once we have that body literacy, once we can start reading the signs, we can not only heal our hormones for what is happening right now, but also in the future. In the future our periods aren’t always going to be perfect so we can read the signs and think ‘Aha! That’s what’s happening. This is what I can do to help address it and fix the root cause.’ The root cause is the most important thing. If we think woman to woman, all of our symptoms show up differently. If we just look at the symptoms then we would just be spending so much money and things would still never be resolved really.”
- Sophia Tremenhere

Wild Power - Alexandra Pope and Shane Hugo Wurlitzer for understanding the phases of your cycle
Michael Singer - The Untethered Soul for shifting our mindset and responses

To contact Sophia,
IG @sotremendous
Her program Perfect Your Period can be found here:


Ep.23/ Mens Work: the path to purpose, authenticity and ease with Caspar Chittenden


Ep.21/ Somatic Therapy: Living, healing & feeling through the body with Emma Cully