Ep.11/ Living from Soul: Finding your purpose in a noisy world with Sarah-Louise Sutton


An episode about attuning to our highest guidance and intuition rather than holding ourselves back through the limitations of our own internal landscape.



I’m joined again by the awesome Sarah-Louise Sutton, one of my soul sisters and dearest friends. Sarah is an intuitive life and business coach and in this episode we talk about “living from soul” - learning how to listen to our intuition and trust our own internal compass in order to align to our genius and purpose and be where we are ‘meant’ to be in life.


In this episode:
- learning to ‘trust the niggle’… those uncomfortable feelings when we are not on track, without making ourselves wrong in the process
- learning to feel good on the journey as well as at the destination
- creating and designing our own purpose as opposed to having to feeling we have to SEEK it
- focusing on who we have to BECOME to get what / where we want; focusing on our ENERGETIC unleveling as well as goals & action steps
- moving beyond the conscious mind in our decision making, as our head has only a limited view of our potential
- following what lights us up to strengthen our intuition
- following when energy flows and things feel effortless as opposed to when you have to force or push
- how we learn to trust ourselves; self-trust being like a muscle
- cultivating discipline through daily & weekly practices
- increasing our vibration and committing to love over fear, knowing it is our true nature

“I would have held myself back in so many ways if I’d been making decisions with my mind. When we make goals and we are really focused on them we are not seeing the signs around us. When you focus on you, on your energy, on being present, when you allow guidance to come into you, you are given the breadcrumbs one step at a time.”
- Sarah-Louise Sutton

As mentioned, Sarah’s new course “Soul Codes” supports you in this journey of soul-led living. You can contact Sarah via her instagram @sarah.louise.sutton


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