Ep.16/ Tapping into your Inner Witch with Sim Stevens


Uncovering our most authentic selves to live freely and creatively.



In this episode I am joined by intuitive witch, Sim Stevens. With a 14 year background in PR, Sim now runs her company Senses by Sim full-time. A qualified aromatherapist, crystal healer and card reader, Sim offers treatments, products and sisterhood circles to heal, reconnect and support feminine energy.


In this episode:
- what it means for Sim to be a modern-day witch
- her background growing up spiritually open and her witch lineage
- the repression of the feminine and the mystical over the centuries
- reconnecting back to the feminine individually and collectively
- the magic of plants as medicine
- reconnecting back to nature
- mediumship and “the beyond” - clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognisance: the language of our intuition
- tapping into our own unique spiritual gifts and learning to be open and trusting of the process

“One of the things that stops people connecting with their gifts is this constant busy mind. to listen to our intuition we need to have a mind that is clear - not completely clear as we all have stuff going on but where we’re not bogged down by a fear state… Getting to that point where your mind is quiet enough to pick up on the signs of what your gifts may be.”
- Sim Stevens

You can contact Sim @sensesbysim and www.sensesbysim.co.uk


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